Tutorial: Using Cowboy Gun Client WebSocket

Jeevan Singh
3 min readMar 20, 2018

Understanding implementation of cowboy gun as client websocket.

Gun is a http client with websocket support. Establishing a websocket connection with gun requires handling of gun events as it connects. Lets start straight with the code

connection(State) ->
start ->
#{host := Host,port := Port} = State,
{ok,WPID} = gun:open(Host,Port),
connection(State#{wpid => WPID});
{gun_up,WPID,_Proto} ->
#{path := Path} = State,
gun:ws_upgrade(WPID,Path,[],#{compress => true}),
{gun_down,_WPID,ws,closed,_,_} ->
{gun_upgrade,_WPID,_Ref,_Proto,_Data} ->
{gun_response, _WPID, _Ref, _Code, _HttpStatusCode, _Headers} ->
{gun_error, _WPID, _Ref, _Reason} ->
{'DOWN',_PID,process,_WPID,_Reason} ->
{gun_ws, _WPID, Frame} ->
case Frame of
close ->
self() ! stop;
{close,_Code,_Message} ->
self() ! stop;
{text,TextData} ->
io:format("Received Text Frame: ~p~n",[TextData]);
{binary,BinData} ->
io:format("Received Binary Frame: ~p~n",[BinData]);
_ ->
io:format("Received Unhandled Frame: ~p~n",[Frame])
stop ->
#{wpid := WPID} = State,
Message ->
io:format("Received Unknown Message on Gun: ~p~n",[Message]),
after 30 * 1000 ->
Socket = maps:get(wpid,State,notfound),
case Socket of
notfound ->
_ ->

Actions and Events

The connection server accept a parameter State in the following form

#{host => "example.com",port => 80/443, path => "/ws"}

When it receives the event “start” , it asks gun to connect with given host and port address

{ok,WPID} = gun:open(Host,Port)

Here WPID is the child process which actually establishes a connection.

If the gun connects successfully, it sends an event to parent process


Here WPID is the child process Id and Protocol it connects with, usually http.

If gun is not able to establish a connection due to network connectivity or server being down, it will send another event

{gun_response, WPID, Ref, Code, HttpStatusCode, Headers}

Here Ref is the monitor reference, monitoring the child process, Code is either fin/nofin, HttpStatusCode for error — 503/404, Headers are http headers.

When the connection is established, we ask gun to upgrade the connection to websocket

gun:ws_upgrade(WPID,Path,[],#{compress => true}),

Here Path is websocket handler path on the server — “/ws” which was given in the State parameter. When the connection upgrade is successful we receive following event


At this point you can start sending messages on websocket connection with following command


Here WPID is the child process PID and MessageFrame could be following usually used


As a note, websocket connections are usually disconnected if theres no transfer of data for 50–60 seconds. If this is something not desired, you should set up a timer to send a ping to server after every 30–40 seconds.

When messages are received on websocket connection, gun sends them to parent process as an event


Where a Frame can be either of following


Websocket connections follow the standards to send a close frame before actually closing the connection from either side (client or server). Its optional to send it with a payload.

At any point of time if the gun connection breaks up or a close frame is received, it sends following event to parent process


Gun process is supervised. So if this happens, gun will try to re-establish the connection.

If the child process itself goes down, we receive following event in the parent process


Or if the child process faces any error, we receive following event

{gun_error, _WPID, _Ref, _Reason}

This can also be implemented using gen_statem behaviour. Use callback mode handle_event_function and handle all the events from gun in info.

The above code is also available here

If you have any question, shoot a mail to g1@abona.in

Happy Hunting With The Gun !!

